Holiday round bulb ornaments hanging on a lit tree.

We may not have gotten much snow yet this winter, but there’s a definite chill in the air and the holiday season is in full swing! Whether you have family visiting or are just looking for some festive things to do, here are some of our favorite holiday outings in New Hampshire!

LaBelle Lights

This holiday light show at a winery has over half a million lights! While lots of holiday events are focused primarily on kids, this is a great date-night option, as well! Grab a glass of wine and wander the vineyard grounds to enjoy the show!

Ice Castles

The ice castles don’t actually open until January, but they’re cool for us to ignore. Once the winter cold really sets in, get bundled up and explore! Note: the closing date for the ice castles depends a lot on how quickly spring comes, so don’t wait too late in the winter! 

Festival of Trees

Held annually at the Wright Museum for over twenty years, the Wolfeboro Festival of Trees features over seventy beautifully decorated trees arranged throughout the museum! There’s also a craft fair, and you might even see Santa! Tickets include museum admission—this is a great outing for the whole family!

Take a Train Ride with Santa!

On weekends in December, the Hobo and Winnipesaukee Scenic Railroad becomes the Santa Train! This train trip involves a 90 minute train right (it loops around and takes you back to where you started, don’t worry) and features Santa, Mrs. Claus, and the elves. Everyone gets to meet Santa, and all children get a gift from Santa!

The Gift of Lights

Come to the New Hampshire Motor Speedway to see 2.5 miles of lights on display! The Gift of Lights event features over 80 scenes, including a tunnel of lights and the twelve days of Christmas. Proceeds benefit the NHMS’s Children’s Charities. The Gift of Lights runs through New Year’s Day.

Town Events Across the State

Not sure what you want to do? Towns across New Hampshire have all sorts of holiday events, from light shows and Santa visits to craft fairs and cookie tours! Most towns will have a list of holiday events on the municipal website. Check out the holiday events in Manchester here!

Winter may bring a chill, but it’s a great time for holiday cheer—gather your family and friends and plan an outing before the season is over!

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