Bulb Box

Now that the holiday season is over, you may be wondering what the best way to pack your precious ornaments and decorations are. Don’t be like me — lumping all my ornaments in a big box. Then you just end up untangling everything and making a mess next year. Let’s talk about some great organizational methods that make packing up ornaments a breeze.

Sort Your Ornaments

Lots of people have multiple trees or areas of their house where they have a variety of decorations and ornaments. It is suggested to make a box for each so you know where each things goes next year. That’s easy! Just take a box and label the side where it goes, and put everything in that room inside of that box.

Another idea is sorting them by type. You can put all your lights in one box, all your ornaments in another, garland in another… You get the idea.

Use Bulb Boxes to Protect Fragile Bulbs

If you like glass ornaments and not shatter-proof ornaments, you’ll want to take some care in packing your bulbs together. Shatterproof ornaments usually just get lumped into one box, but not glass ones. Try something like this ornament tupperware box.

Bulb Box

Consider this is pretty easy to make, too. All you need is a big plastic box and some cardboard. Measure your cardboard pieces to the same size as your box. You’ll need big pieces for the bottoms and strips for the separators. Cut your cardboard pieces up into strips, then cut evenly spaced slits into one side of each strip. Then slip them together!

Bulb Box Construction

Keep Your Lights Tangle Free

It may sound easier said than done, but really, keeping your lights tangle free is easy! Try winding them around a piece of cardboard, or winding them around your arm like an electrical cord. Then use a zip tie, twisty tie, or piece of string to tie them tightly together in various sections so they don’t rattle around. Not so bad!

Make Sure Nothing Rattles Around

Once you pack everything away, give your box a gentle shake. Does anything roll around? If so, you might want to try stuffing some tissue paper, bubble wrap, or newspaper in to pad them. Things rolling around won’t be helpful by any means — especially if you’re going to be moving around those boxes at all.

Have any more tips or tricks for storing your holiday decorations? Let us know in the comments below!

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