With summer coming to a close, back-to-school preparations are in full swing. For college students, this is an especially exciting time of year: some are about to leave home for the first time, ready to set off on new adventures, while others get to return to familiar territory and reconnect with college friends.
One thing most of these students have in common is that they’ve got a move to plan, be it into a dorm room or off-campus housing. As with any move, this can often be a stressful, time-consuming experience that, if poorly planned, can be a real downer on an otherwise thrilling day. Fortunately, we’ve got your back, with some useful college moving tips.
Talk to Your Roommate
The first big step of your college moving preparation should be to get in touch with your new roommate(s). Unless you’re one of the blessed few who lands themselves a single dorm room or a one-bedroom apartment, it’s very likely you’ll wind up bringing doubles of things you don’t really need two of, like a microwave or TV. It’s a good idea to get to know your roommate(s) ahead of time anyway, and in this way you can plan out what you’re going to bring, what you’re willing to share, and how big these items should be.

Keep Your Space in Mind
If you’re living in a dorm room, chances are you don’t have a lot of space to work with. Apartments can also fill up fast, so it’s wise to consider what space you have, and what you’re going to fill it with. It’s far too easy to pack too many things, or choose unnecessarily large items, and wind up having a lot of frustration as you try to live your life around them. Which brings us to the next tip…
Don’t Buy Furniture Just Yet
Often, dorm rooms and off-campus apartments come with furniture. It’s a good idea to see what you’ve already got in there, before you go filling it with cumbersome extras. It can also save you time and money, which is a big bonus when you’re trying to get settled into college life.
Know Your Room Policies
Another important tip is to be mindful of your dorm or apartment policies regarding what you can and can’t have inside them. Most dorms won’t let you bring things like pets, candles, and portable ranges, and apartments tend to frown on them as well. Many require that you don’t damage the walls, and have to use command strips if you want to hang anything. Use these guidelines to help you choose what to bring with you and what to leave at home.
Where’s the Closest Store?
It’s very likely, despite all your careful planning, that you’ll forget something during your college moving–it’s just the nature of the beast. Find out what local stores are available near your college. If you don’t have a car on campus, know whether or not they’re in walking distance, or if your college provides a shuttle to any of these locations.
Buy It When you Get There
Knowing where the closest stores are is also useful information for if your parents want to help you to furnish your new place. You can hold off on buying anything until you’ve seen where you’re going to live, and go to the local department store so that you can pick and choose the perfect items for your space. (Don’t forget to bring a measuring tape, too!)

Use a Handy Checklist
Finally, a sure way to stay organized and make your move that much simpler is to have a good checklist handy. There are tons of them on the internet, or you can just use ours!
College moving can be a difficult process, but hopefully these handy tips will help reduce your stress and make for a more pleasant first day on campus.
Are you an older college student or have dorm-living experience? Do you have your own tips or tales of moving horrors? Feel free to share your experiences in the comments below!