Happy couple unloading automobile while moving apartment in summer day

No one wants to make moving more stressful than it already can be, but often relocations happen rapidly, which means you have to make your move — fast! 

Whether you received a sudden job offer, your lease ended unexpectedly, or life threw some other curveball your way, rushing the packing process can be painful; however, moving in a hurry doesn’t have to be chaotic. 

Leaning into our extensive experience — we’ve seen it all! — the CLR team has curated a list of moving tips that should help in a pinch. Consider this our best advice on beating the clock when time is not on your side during a move. 

1. Come up with a plan.

Sounds like an unnecessary step when there’s so much else to do, but trust us. Even in a pulse-pounding rush, taking a few moments to outline your moving process can make a huge difference. It doesn’t have to be complicated. Just write down what needs to be done, prioritize tasks, and create a basic timeline to help you stay focused and ensure you don’t skip steps along the way. 

2. Declutter while packing. 

Maybe not ideal, but use the rush to your advantage and get rid of stuff you no longer need or want so that you’re not tasked with packing as much. Do a quick sort of items into “keep,” “donate,” and “discard” piles. You’ll pack lighter, faster and have less to manage on the other end. Bonus! 

  • CLR expert tip: Don’t overthink it! We believe that if you haven’t used a thing in the past year, channel your inner-Elsa and let it go, let it go! 

3. Purchase packing supplies… NOW. 

We all like to avoid unnecessary expenses; however, time is money and you’re short on that right now. Do not waste time hunting for boxes and packing materials while the clock is ticking. Head to a local store for supplies or call in the experts (ahem!) who can provide you with all the materials you need on short notice.

4. Pack room by room. 

This might be our favorite tip because it’s so satisfying. Rather than rush from one room to the next, station yourself in one space and stay there until the job is done. Jumpstart your momentum by starting with those less frequently used rooms (think guest bedrooms or storage closets) and build up to daily destinations like the kitchen. 

5. Put your belongings to work. 

Hopefully you heeded tip #3 and have all the packing supplies you need. Regardless, it’s also a smart strategy to use what you already own, such as suitcases, laundry baskets, tote bags, even trash bags!  

  • CLR expert tip: Trash bags are great for packing clothes on hangers. Simply slip them over a group of garments, tie the top, and voilà—your closet is packed, and your clothes will stay clean en route to your new destination. 

6. Label like you mean it. 

Yes, you’re in a hurry but you still want to label your boxes, bags, whatever so that you don’t feel overwhelmed when you have to unpack, no matter how much time you might have to do so, once in your new abode. A simple marker is all you need to scrawl the types of items contained in each box, or, at the very least, which room the box will belong in on the end.  

7. Beat the rush — enlist help ASAP.

Believe us when we say that our team books up fast, much like other professional movers in your area. So, if you already know your move requires a fast response from the right moving company, make sure you call for reinforcements sooner than later. 

8. Make sure essentials are in easy reach. 

Before you start packing everything, isolate your essential items like toiletries, medications, chargers, a change of clothes, important documents, and even your favorite snacks, to have on hand when you need or want them.

  • CLR expert tip: Store a tiny toolkit in your essentials bag—you’ll save yourself the headache of needing something like a measuring tape or screwdriver and not having it on hand.  

9. Prioritize utilities and address changes.

All too easily overlooked, forgetting to update your new address and utilities is a time-waster you cannot afford. Be sure to manage address changes and utility shut down/set ups before you get too far into your moving process.  

10. Breathe… and phone a friend. 

Avoid being overwhelmed by phoning friends, family, or neighbors for an extra set of hands. If you do find yourself with volunteers, don’t be afraid to delegate tasks. Everyone involved will appreciate having a specific task to accomplish and you’ll knock items off your moving to-do list much faster. And isn’t that the point? 

We’ve saved our biggest tip for last, which is simply to call our team and let us help you manage your fast move. We handle everything from packing and loading to transportation and unpacking, ensuring a smooth transition no matter how tight your timeline.Contact Central Lakes Region Movers today!

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