We know that fall in New Hampshire is a beautiful season, and you can see things like the gorgeous autumn foliage, or even go on fantastic cool weather hikes. One thing we like to do every year is highlight some upcoming events in NH that really tap into peak fall. Let’s get started!
11th Annual Brew Fest

Where: 35 Corporate Drive, Portsmouth, NH
When: Saturday, October 12th, 2019
Enjoy more than 150 beers from over 50 brewers! Enjoy food, music, and more as a designated driver for $15, or enjoy the sampling at $40 a person. Proceeds go to Prescott Park. For more information or to buy tickets, check out the official website.
2019 Craft Beer & Cheese Festival

Where: Enfield Shaker Museum, Enfield, NH
When: Sunday, Oct. 13th, 2019
For as low as $5, you can enjoy a variety of artisinal NH ciders, both hard and natural, at this tasting event. Enjoy a food tent, live music, and lots more during this event. For more information and ticketing, check out the official website.
2019 NH Pumpkin Festival

Where: Veteran’s Square, Laconia, NH
When: Friday Oct. 18th and Saturday Oct. 19th, 2019
Check out tons and tons of carved pumpkins lit up and glowing! It sounds awesome because it really is! Check out more information on the official website.
4th Annual White Mountains Crush Festival

Where: Seven Birches Winery, 22 S Mountain Dr, Lincoln, NH
When: October 25, 2019 – October 27, 2019
Enjoy a weekend of grape stomping just like Lucille Ball in “I Love Lucy”! Also enjoy tasting, tours, education workshops, celebrations, and more. For more information, visit the official website.
Have an event you’d like us to share? Let us know in the comments below!